Kerone's smiling big at Cosprop

Our latest success story looks at Kerone who was referred to my AFK from Haringey Employment Service and was very keen to find paid employment in a retail or warehouse setting.
Kerone was proactively going out, approaching employers and handing them his CV. He’d been to the local cinema, several restaurants and even managed to arrange an interview at Sainsburys but despite all his efforts, Kerone was not able to secure a paid job and this had a detrimental affect on his confidence.
He was then introduced to the AFK Job Coach, Fareeda who soon arranged a supported work placement at Cosprop in November 2019. This organisation specialises in designing, creating costumes and accessories for the film and theatre industry. Kerone worked in the Returns department with a member of staff, Rachel who supervised and supported his training.
Together they identified a specific job role suited to Kerone which is cleaning, maintaining and storing vintage ‘shoes’ that are returned from film sets. Kerone also needed support to manage his time keeping skills which involved arriving to work at an appropriate time and completing each piece of work within a given time.

With continuing support from the employer and Andy (AFK volunteer), Kerone has been improving and as a result, has now secured a part time paid position at Cosprop.
Chris Garlick, the General Manager at Cosprop says, “Kerone will be helping us keep our business running smoothly and we are also delighted to be able to support him in his first steps into the world of paid work”.
Kerone is eager to learn more about his job as he wants to be the ‘best he can’ in his work. He is really enjoying his new role and feels comfortable around all the creative and friendly staff who have welcomed Kerone.