my AFK Ambassador listed ‘100 most influential disabled people’ for a second year.

On Tuesday 8th October Shaw Trust released ‘The Shaw Trust Power 100’ list of Britains most influential disabled people.
Among the list are the likes of Jen Blackwell founder of DanceSyndrome and active advocate of people with learning disabilities and Jess Thom also known as Touretteshero, disabled artist and activist.
Dr Hannah Barham-Brown, also known as ‘Dr Pops’ shone at the top of the list to as one of our amazing ambassadors.
We spoke to Hannah about her latest achievement:
“I’m really honoured to be on the Shaw Trust Power List for a second year; it is such a fantastic way of celebrating the amazing things the disabled community achieve, and will hopefully shape and enthuse the next generation of disabled people to go out there and change the world – much like my AFK does every single day!”
Over the last few years Hannah has actively championed the work that my AFK do and supported us at events.
Our top five Dr Pop’s moments:
- Trust Me I’m a Disabled Doctor
- #PopsyTravels – showing journeys and experiences as a wheelchair user
- TED Talk – Disability and work: Let’s stop wasting talent
- and of course her amazing support of the charity, for example when she supported us at our my AFK awards and her Superhero Tri.
We’re so proud to have Hannah as one of our ambassadors and the amazing work she does around disability is commendable. Congratulations from all at my AFK.