It's a wrap! 'Our View' - Videos made by young people, for young people

‘Our View’ is a collection of short films made by young people with special educational needs and disabilities on their experiences, challenges and successes in preparing for and gaining employment.


This includes learning related skills like travelling independently and the value of the charity’s partner projects, the Edible Garden and Bikes for Good Causes, and their external employer partners.


Over the last few months, our Life & Work trainees have been getting to know the basics of filmmaking, creating a number of videos on how they have found their experiences before, during and after their journey at AFK.


Thanks to Vinci Foundation funding and a nomination from Taylor Woodrow, this project has allowed our trainees to learn transferable new media skills and reflect on the programme and what it means to them.

Our trainees have been involved in every part of the process from storyboarding, to filming and editing. This project far exceeded our expectations, and we are extremely grateful for the funding and advice provided by Vinci.


The 8 young people on the project gained new skills, both directly related to film-making but also about planning, team-working and meeting deadlines, all of which are relevant in the workplace.


We caught up with Jake, our Service Delivery Facilitator;


‘The young people working on the Our View project got some fantastic opportunities to explore their creative side, learned to use some cool equipment and tell their own stories. I want to thank The Vinci Foundation and Taylor Woodrow for funding this programme as it was a great experience for the young people. Having the equipment means AFK is also now able to film and showcase other work that we are doing with disabled young people to enable them to live the life they choose.’


Take a look at the videos on our youtube channel or watch below!




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